Friday, August 10, 2012

God: How about uploading a bit more decency to one another?


How goes it with all of you? Just wanted to check in again – as I continually do, and thought I would try my hand with this new demo tablet Steve Jobs wanted me take for a test drive. Far cry different than the tablets Moses used back in the day, but if there’s one thing I have learned it’s that you have to write things down sometime so that others remember.

My previous message was fairly lengthy, and if you forgot what I had to say, just click here.  I promise to keep this message shorter. I like that line Shakespeare crafted for Polonius in “Hamlet”, and I believe it to be true: Brevity is the soul of wit. Billy occasionally violated that axiom in his writings, but on balance, he kept it fairly consistent.

All in all, I’ve been doing pretty well. The universe and vast galaxies keep me pretty busy, and it’s sometimes hard to get in decent round of golf. Fortunately I have plenty of help to tend to those things. Still can’t figure out what I should do with the wormholes I placed out there. What in My Name was I thinking back then?

My real focus continues to be that spinning, blue marble, which is but a speck in all that I have created. But you and your home Earth always have been extra special to me. I leave it up to you to decide if you are alone or if there are other civilizations “out there.”  Do the math. You’ll find out eventually, one way or another.

While we’re sort of on that subject, I would like to share a few thoughts with you’re your civilizations come and go; rise and crumble with predictable regularity. What has me concerned most is the steady decline of civility in how you treat one another on the most fundamental levels.

I tire of the rush to judgments you can make about others without really knowing them or their circumstances. It irks me of the mad dash to place blame when things are out of sync. I would remind you it wasn’t the apple on tree that is the source of trouble – it was the pair on the ground. Rash decisions.

Let me cite a few examples, if you will indulge me, please:

Love the Internet, e-mail and other vast array of techno-toys? I dig it, too. They can be used to stay connected to family and friends who are far away. They can help us to forge friendships and dialogue with complete strangers. Geez, you can communicate instantly with folks around the globe at the push of the “send” button. But give some humans the means to create a refining fire and they turn it into a torch of destruction and despair.

Let’s be honest: there are some among you use this technology to prey on the young and the weak; the hurting and the most vulnerable. It results in so much unfathomable pain and violence. You know exactly what I’m talking about because your news outlets scream with such incidents every day in every corner of the world. The denizens of this dark side have their day of reckoning.

On a related but still important scale, how about the responses some instant messengers boldly post on media sites in response to stories? The outrageous horrible readers’ comments and jokes about murder victims and their families; people involved in bad circumstances; off-handed diatribes without ground or reason. I would suggest you not take those radio and the highly sought sociopolitical commentators at their word. Essentially, they are in the entertainment business. The Greeks had it right with their word doxa (opinion), meaning “popular opinion” without substantiation or fact.

Someone else always is to blame, these experts tell you. If you want to change the world, start by keeping your small patch in order. Then you can roll the dice and aim for Boardwalk, though I strongly encourage you to take a more gradual route. It’s a scenic route and you get more out of it.

None of this is all that hard to get a handle on, is it?. One of my favorite sons said it best when he said, “Do unto others… .”   Your know the rest. That’s the path to getting to know me better. I already know you.

There are times when I get a little bit down because you’re not meeting your potential, your dreams and my great expectations. You have it in you; sometimes you have to dig a little deeper. When I get that way, that’s when I call in Louis Armstrong to remind me in that gravelly voice of his of what a wonderful world it is. He always cheers me up. It gives me more faith in you.

Now if I could only figure out that wormhole thing I would be a much happier Creator.

Take care -- and take care of one another. Myspeed to you all!

Lovingly yours,


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