And so they did. Even Judas had his thoughts about what was about to happen – the teacher was going to lead his pupils and followers into Jerusalem. We’ll show those smug know-it-alls who’s the king!” he thought.
As he made his way up toward the city, folks began to line the rocky roadway. Some threw their robes and shawls down along the path. The crowds grew and the rider nodded and waved at them and continued along his way atop the little beast. He seemed happy. He looked in the direction of faraway Bethlehem, smiling and remembering the story his parents had told him about the donkey his mother rode so long ago to the place where he was born.
Then he looked straight ahead shaking his head a bit, maybe recalling the time when he was 12 and ditched his parents in Jerusalem to discuss the ancient writings with the scholars. Kids and their parents don't always understand one another. But then again, nothing, after all, ever had been ordinary in all of his 33 years.
The roadway became a carpet of clothing as he approached the city gates – and the people were cheering . God has given us a king! – laughing and shouting Hosannas at the top of their lungs. And many were waving palm leaves, welcoming this royal fellow. They were convinced they were on the brink of liberation from the brutal army of occupation and the corrupt collaborators.
His followers were becoming delirious. Their three years together was converging into something great, and they were flanking the one who would set them free. Even Rome had to concede their man had power and they better well heed it.
The revelry was muffled when one of the embarrassed legal guys urged him to silence the crowds. They’re making trouble and it’s going to come down hard on all of us“ they said.
The teacher’s shining face darkened and he answered, Even if they said nothing at all those rocks at your feet would scream the same thing. And even louder!
And then he began to weep. There was no joy now in this triumphant ride into the holiest of cities – and some of the followers quietly wondered why their teacher seemed to be losing heart. He sensed this: Oh Jerusalem you have had eternal peace always within reach and you never grasped it. There’s a day coming when your enemies are going to crush you and your children! And they won’t stop because you haven’t understood a thing!
They entered through the city gates and the pale rider strode toward the temple. He was going to deliver a message there they would soon not forget. It seemed that holy place had become something far different than its intention.
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